Timbre Cierpke – New Soil
Rebekah Alexander, soprano
Program Note by Timbre Cierpke
New Soil is an introspective exploration of what it means to find our own life-giving sources. At the beginning of the pandemic, I found myself more isolated than I have ever been in my life, having both music and friends all cut away at the same time. I was so grateful for the refuge of my partner, but I have always believed that healthy love requires two whole people, equally pouring into each other. I knew I could not just draw from him, trading energy back and forth, but that I had to intentionally find new sources of life and fulfillment. Finding those sources has to be an intentional process and takes effort. This has always been true, but having all of my regular sources of energy cut off made it all the more apparent. That process created space for a deeper love and a greater encouragement to then share with my partner, and I think this is also true of all levels of relationships. It is in both the safety of being able to rely on each other, and in the freedom to find our own meaning, that we can each grow.
Conversation with Timbre
Conversation with Rebekah
Educational Materials
Listen: Immerse Yourself
What do you need to do to immerse yourself in the music while listening?
Dig Deeper: Harmony and Cells
Learn how the human voice can musically create a sense of harmony.
Create and Make: Lyric Writing
Try writing your own lyrics that tell a story that is meaningful to you or that express emotions you have.
Activities program